Moonlight An Anthology of Poems

Moonlight An Anthology of Poems


Poems from Best Poets by Williamsji Maveli

Poems from Best Poets 2

The Amaranthine Friendship by Kanika Muniyar


Pages: 165, 5×8, English
Available Types: Print, E-book
Genre: Poetry

ISBN: 9788194397977
Paperback: Rs.276 (Delivery in 10-15 working days)
E-book: Rs.200 (click here to order, delivery within 24 Hours via mail)

SKU: llbook19E Category: Tags: , ,


The book is the collection of heartwarming poetries that will bring you close to different corners of an eternal friendship. Where friendship is the most beautiful treasure which fills our soul with magic & bliss, when you have that constant friend blessed from heaven. Where a real friend makes you eternally the richest person on this entire universe. Where all worldly problems seem small when you have that one friend to hold on. While sharing depths of love, fragility, commitments & overrated expectations. A rosy love usually fades over passing ages but real friendship glows & survives in all ages.

Where a friend’s ear, listens, conceives, holds and nurtures you to grow. Where a friend’s philosophy teaches you to survive beautifully. Where each moment spent, holding your friend’s hand is meant to be cherished. Where distances are invisible, where our souls are visible. Where every graceful goodbye is impermanent when the bonds are permanent. Where friendship fills you with grit & power to climb higher & higher like a free bird. A friendship where existence is remarked.

Where things may fade but their amaranthine friendship never fades away, Cause when bonds are connected by heart no one can set them apart. And where into this little sparkling paradise, the bright innocence eternally exists & the magical friendships persists. And into all even & odds the friendship always wins.


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