
An Interview with Jayaram A S

Book: She Converted Iron to Gold!
Genre: Fiction
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Biographical Info: Jayaram A S is an associate professor in Mechanical department of the engineering college, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology Bangalore, India. Subjects taught by him in the college include control engineering, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Mechatronics, engineering drawing.

His hobbies are:

Photography: He has been teaching photography online and off line from past 25 years.
Writing books: He is having special interest in writing books. He has written about 16 books at, one each at,, and In total of about 20 books, his most of the books are e-books. author page link:
Gardening: His interest in gardening has resulted in terrace gardening in his house and a book “how to save money with terrace gardening” at
Puzzles: He has created many unique puzzles, illustrating simple method of finding answers. He has written a book “Amazing way of learning mathematics”
Writing Quotes: He has written more than 50 quotes at many websites including “”. He has published research papers in Mathematics, astrophysics, Machine design optimisation, education and so on.
You may contact author at –



Interviewer: First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the release of your book – ‘She Converted Iron to Gold!’! How do you feel about it? Tell us something about your book?

Jayaram A S: It is a science fiction story, mainly targeted to children between 8 to 16 years. It describes about a girl, who was ambitious about converting iron to gold. From her school days, she concentrates only on this concept. She learns chemistry to tryout experiments in this direction. She was reading other subjects also in a good way and she was getting very good marks. Her other activities are horse riding, mountain climbing, hot air paper bag flying (it is also called as sky lantern) and yoga. She won the first prize in hot air bag flying competition. Incidentally, in a school trip, she gets separated from her friends in a mysterious circumstance and would land up in a cave in a forest. She finds a stone vessel containing a liquid and upon the basis of wall paintings in the cave, she concludes that the liquid in that stone vessel would convert iron to gold. Remaining part of the story is extremely interesting and so, please read the book.

Interviewer: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? How long does it take you to write a book?

Jayaram A S: I was writing blog from the year 2010. After reading some of my blog posts, my Son, ARUN.J, suggested me to write a book. In 2018 November, I wrote my first e-book about affiliate marketing, to In the same month, I converted some of my blog post ideas to e-books. If the idea is ready, writing a book of about 100 pages will take about a month. But if you shape the idea as and when you are writing a book, it takes a long time like a year.

Interviewer: You have been writing for a long time; tell us about your previously published books.

Jayaram A S: I will mention some of the important books only, as all books can be found on my link in my bio.

  • Flower photography –
  • How to save money with terrace gardening –
  • Learning photography made easy –
  • Amazing way of learning mathematics –
  • How to make amazing painting using computers –
  • How to write a kindle e-book –

Interviewer: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

Jayaram A S: I have written about 20 books and still I am unable to feel the pulse of the reader. The book that I am hoping to get large sales will not sell but the one that I am not expecting will sell more.

Interviewer: “She Converted Iron to Gold” is a fiction story. What was the inspiration for the story?

Jayaram A S: Motivating factors to write this book are:

  • I was enjoying such stories in my high school days.
  • I wanted to trigger the interest about science in school students by writing this science fiction story.
  • Actually, I wrote it up to about 75% , few month ago and started for searching for good publisher who can print at reasonable cost without sacrificing the quality. After detailed analysis, I found this ‘Literatureslight’ publisher. I was very much impressed and completed this book.

Interviewer: What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing? What comes first, the plot or characters?

Jayaram A S: Both of them should go hand in hand to get the interesting story. As usual, the story should run around the main character.

Interviewer: What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?

Jayaram A S: Since it is a science fiction story, I should not end with saying that “They converted iron to gold and it was stored at some place” because it creates an illusion among children and science part will be defeated. At the same time I should not write the story saying that “It was never possible” in which case fiction part will be defeated. So, the big challenge was to balance the two.

Interviewer: Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

Jayaram A S: I am planning to write the books with following themes (most likely with this publisher)

  • Self help – Positive thinking.
  • A book about developing logical thinking.
  • Engineering book – about basics of control engineering.
  • Translating this book (She Converted Iron to Gold) to my local language – Kannada.

Interviewer: What is your message to the young writers who are willing to explore the new dimensions of creative writing?

Jayaram A S: Tips are:

  • Think of new ideas don’t simply alter existing ideas.
  • First write the outline and then the details.
  • See if such books are already there.
  • Let it be between 50 and 250 pages. These days, people are not likely to read very lengthy book unless it is a series.

Interviewer: Any message for readers regarding the book?

Jayaram A S: Do not skip reading at any place. Events are intelligently interconnected. Even if you skip a page or two, you will not enjoy the story.

Interviewer: Thanks for your time! It was a pleasure talking to you about your book. I wish you best of luck for the future!

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