
An Interview with Ravish Arora

Book: The Unexpected Bond
Genre: Fiction
Interests: Reading, Writing and Singing
Birth Place: Kurukshetra, Haryana
Hobbies: Nature Photography, Playing Volleyball
Order Book: The Unexpected Bond

Biographical Info: Ravish Arora is a 22-year-old author residing in Kurukshetra. He has done his degree in Bachelor of Commerce. Currently, he is pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Law. He has participated in many competitions and contests and also in moot courts & other activities. He has an interest in writing from the start and wrote some stories but this is the first time when he and his friend are going to publish a short story on the loyalty of dogs towards the human being in the novel ‘The Unexpected Bond’.

Interviewer: Congratulations on the release of your book “The Unexpected Bond”, Ravish Arora Ji ! Tell us something about your book?

Ravish Arora: First of all, thank you so much for your warm wishes. I am grateful for your support. As you know that the novel “The Unexpected Bond” has been released and this novel is based on the companionship, loyalty, true love of dogs towards the human and it is written to promote the love and affection for the dogs by human beings. Because, now a days I saw at many places that animal cruelty has been increased mostly on the dogs. So, I thought of writing a short story which gives motivation to the people to not to treat the dogs badly but treat them well. It includes many factors not only about the dogs but also include other factors too.

Interviewer: What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult)

Ravish Arora: If I wrote about me then I would like to write more about my young adult phase of life and also little bit of teenager because I will write something which motivates other to do the same in their life and achieve the good position in their life and get success.

Interviewer: How would you like to define your journey as an author? Be descriptive please so that our visitors know about your writing career a little more.

Ravish Arora: Actually, this is my beginning phase as an author or in writing career but I will discuss with you about me that how I thought to write a short story. I was in the starting phase of lockdown due to Covid-19 which began in the march 2020 and that time everybody was quarantined in their homes and no one allowed to go anywhere just stay in their homes. So I started using my free time instead of wastage of that time, I started to do yoga and done many other things and I learned new skills. Gradually, a month passed and I was searching about that what I can do or where I can invest my time? Next day, I was just scrolling the feed and suddenly I saw a book which is just published. From there I got an idea and my friend was on call then that time I shared that idea to him and he agreed that time and then we started our novel. We completed it almost in 20 days. This is very less time to write a novel according to me I thought it is a good start. So, today I am very happy that my novel has been published. I want to give advice to the beginners that take time and then write a novel because as much time you will give to your novel it means that you are adding the quality in it and this is the main backbone of every novel that is the quality or the valuable information which readers can get after reading it.

Interviewer: Who is your favourite author? And name one book that you like most among all the others you have read.

Ravish Arora: There are many authors such as Chetan Bhagat, James Patterson and many others but ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. He is one of my favourite book and author.

Interviewer: What other genres do you enjoy reading?

Ravish Arora: I am more drawn to romance, mystery and adventure novels and the big draw for me is children’s books. I like to read more animation books. I read contemporary and classics. I am fond of magical realism. I have read some sci-fi, but not much, same with horror. I tend to avoid reading crime novels, but I want to read more spy novels. I love biographies and have quite a few on my list. I do like to read more factual books, particularly self-help, psychology, travel, cookery, and life-coaching books. I love books with art, art history, fashion, nature, and astronomy and photography themes.

Interviewer: What is your current goal in writing career?

Ravish Arora: As I said, I am beginner in this field and I am an Advocate by profession. Because advocacy is my main profession and this is my first time that I wrote this novel even I don’t know how this novel performs. If I get good response in this then I will definitely go for the next book.

Interviewer: How do you relate your writings to the modern world?

Ravish Arora: I think every writer and other historical figures you admire were taught, inspired and even entertained by other writers, as well as by parents, teachers and countless other people you don’t know. You may not know the names of these “influencers” (or “hidden figures”), but your life has been changed by their words and actions. So according to me there are three major things in my writing that related to modern world.
1. Teach – The common phrase “knowledge is power” usually focuses on the student, or the person being taught new information. However, sharing our knowledge with others unlocks a special kind of power within us. When you write about something you learned through experience or research, you make your readers smarter. And this world will never stop needing smart people.
2. Inspire – Sharing your words gives people permission to also share their ideas and pick up a pen, open a laptop, or sit down at a desktop computer and start writing. Sometimes, people have to see you write and share your voice first. Then they’re inspired to also write and find their own unique voice in the process.
3. Entertain – People love good stories. How does a simple story change the world? A great story helps us imagine life being different than it is now. If a story’s setting is more positive than our reality, we start to imagine what we can do to improve our own communities. On the other hand, a dark story can be a cautionary tale, showing us what to do (or what to avoid) to prevent certain problems from happening in our own society. Being funny and telling great stories are powerful ways to connect with your readers.

Interviewer: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

Ravish Arora: According to me, it could be possible. But I think thoughts flow only when we feel emotions strongly. Only such people can be good heart-touching writers. So at least he should be able to have good imagination and understand psychology well. I mean everyone writes essay in school but only the good ones make sense. Others all are paragraphs but without much meaning.

Interviewer: Where do you want to see yourself five years from now, in your professional as well as writing career?

Ravish Arora: Five year from now I want to see myself by profession as a good advocate with new skills and with more expertise and also with a more power or energetic person and in writing career I also want to build career in this field too. I will write next book soon by god grace.

Interviewer: Any message for readers regarding the book?

Ravish Arora: Dear Readers, It is with great pride that I announce the release of my first book “The Unexpected Bond” a story of a boy and a dog. As we all know human always shares a special bond with their pets. In the world where we are suffering from major problems like anxiety, depression etc. Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness and even improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for an animal can help children grow up more secure and active. Pets also provide valuable companionship for older adults. Keeping this in mind I wrote this book. I hope I will get the appreciation and support of you.
Thank you and waiting for your valuable responses.

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