Petroleum and Refining Sector by Sunil Jayant Kulkarni

Petroleum and Refining Sector


Kuch Lafzon kee Zindagani by Ritu Sharma

Kuch Lafzon kee Zindagani by Ritu Sharma

Literatureslight Literary Magazine


Pages: 59, 8×11, English
Available Types: Print, E-book
Genre: Literary Magazine

ISBN: 9788194894919
Print: Rs.500
Ebook: Rs.00 (click here to order)

SKU: llbook13E Categories: , Tags: ,


We are delighted to present you the first edition of Literatureslight – Literary magazine. We felt that the literature world needs a magazine that will focus on promoting authors and writers and hence we decided to go for this type of publication. It has been a true pleasure to work with so many talented people on this first issue, we give thanks to all contributing authors, writers, enthusiastic editorial team, reviewers, and creative graphics team for making this magazine possible. Our mission is to bring as much publicity to authors and writers of all stages and expose their books to readers around the world! We not only want to support those whose works are in print, we also seek to guide those who aspire to become authors. This publication covers – articles, poems, and short stories, along with author stories, book reviews, and interviews. Overall, this issue offers a variety of content and we hope readers and authors will cherish our efforts and enjoy reading it just as much as we have enjoyed piecing it all together. This magazine is a must read for one and all.

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