Life in Lockdown COVID 19 Pandemic

Life in Lockdown


Teen Be Serene by Praful Gagnani

Teen Be Serene by Praful Gagnani

Coronavirus A Pandemic or Plandemic by Ravi Kant


Pages: 157, 6×9, English
Available Types: Print, E-book
Genre: NonFiction

ISBN: 9788194618980
Paperback: Rs.240 (Delivery in 10-15 working days)
E-book: Rs.130(click here to order, delivery within 24 Hours via mail)


There was a world before the Pandemic and there will be a world post Pandemic. But something will be changed forever, the human history will now be divided into new forms i.e. BC (Before Covid-19) & AC (After Covid-19). This event will prove to a game-changer for humanity, as new societies will emerge with new rules & new protocols in place. There will be an emergence of a totally different world order, where individual liberties will lose meaning and conformity will be the new normal. Nation-states will lack policy directives and confrontation will be the only to increase power. History will call it the “Pangaea breakup” moment of human civilization and the rise of a new civilization based upon less trust, more surveillance, as well as new rights for robots. But is this going to be the last of such events or many more are yet to come?


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