
An Interview with Swarnima Sharma

Book: Boozy Gait of A Prattle Pen

Genre: Poetry

Swarnima Sharma was born in Bhopal and brought up in Raipur Chhattisgarh, she has been penning since 2017. “BOOZY GAIT OF A PRATTLE PEN” is her debut book which published in the year 2019. She has published her first anthology The Big Bang of Non Fiction – Life in Reverse and contributed in many anthologies as well. She has won the title “The Author of the Year 2019 and Voice of Indian Literature” and has been selected as an esteemed mentor (Romantic Literature Genre) at Ne8x online literature fest 2019 for her debut book. She wrote content for multi designer store “PRET COUTURE” for their Haute couture, Paintings and other manual artistic work. She has been one of the panels of Asia-Africa Youth Foundation’s 4th episode of The Youth Viewpoint. She has given the Title Track for the upcoming Web Series “BECHARA VIRGIN”. At present, she is working on novels as well.

Interviewer: The first question of this interview to you – Please tell me about poetry? What is your perception about poetry ma’am?

Swarnima Sharma: For me poetry is one of the kinds of art and we poets are artist. Before writing anything, I create a beautiful picture of whole scenario in my mind and pour out everything one by one out of my mind and engrave it to my WordPad and give it a shape of poetry. It’s a perfect way to express emotions through form of artistic words. For me it is an emotion of relaxation. Those are the emotions which I whisper to myself is read by all in the form of my poetry.

Interviewer: When did you start writing poetry? Do you remember the first time you wrote something? What was the source of your inspiration earlier? Did it change with time?

Swarnima Sharma: I started writing since November 2017. I remember how I penned my first poetry. It sounds like a bit filmy but in 2017, one morning, I saw a dream. In that dream I was singing a song. When I got up, I remembered only one line of that song. It was “The Sun and Moon Doing Loo and Pee”. With the help of this line, I wrote my first poetry with the same title and from that day the consecution of writing goes on and on. The source of my inspiration from earlier till now are the people around me especially the writers whom I follow on social media. Because every day I learn something from them and their poetry. They provide me a lot to cognize on daily basis.

Interviewer: Boozy Gait of a Prattle Pen is your very first book. What did you write as the first poem for the book? Do you remember some lines?

Swarnima Sharma: Yes! It is my first book. The first poetry I wrote for the book is “The Sun and Moon Doing Loo and Pee” but the first poetry in the book is “I Am Swarnima- The Sun’s First Ray.” Yes! I do remember the lines of the first stanza of “The Sun and Moon Doing Loo and Pee” which goes like this;

My dear God! By creating mortals you made a masterpiece,
It’s time for me to make a Masterpiece…
You are too old or young doesn’t
matter to me,
My heart has fallen out… Fallen out
into the glee,
Standing near the silk floss, watching how earth is moving free,
I see the Sun rises and Moon drowning
into the sea,
Perhaps, The Sun and The Moon Doing
Loo or Doing Pee.

Interviewer: What is the ultimate purpose of your writing?

Swarnima Sharma: As I have mentioned previously that how I started writing. But to be honest, I have never thought of becoming a writer. It was a strange thing that happened to me. When I penned first time, I felt so amazing. Then, I started making my props to the things around me, I started recondite noticing minute things and turn my whole imagination into poetry and this task gives me pleasure till now.

Interviewer: Which poets have inspired you? Do you feel yourself ever influenced by the writing style of a poet?

Swarnima Sharma: I got inspired by the work of William Wordsworth, Max Ehrmann, Ann Taylor and many more. I am in love with the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann and Daffodils by William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth’s writing style influenced me the most. He advocates sincere and simple languages in his poetry. Because writing a simple poem is way difficult for me. I always try writing in simple language but every time I end up with the hard vocabulary to match the rhyme of my poem.

Interviewer: Please share any stanza you have written and you repeat it most of the times.

Swarnima Sharma: The only lines I mostly repeat and I actually believe so is; “AN ARTIST’S MIND IS A VAGABOND, IT’S A COFFER OF DIRECT AND INDIRECT DISCOURSE, YOU JUST NEED TO DIG OUT HIS IMAGINATION”. Because what happen, some times readers complain about writers writing style when they use a bit hard vocab or wrote something indirectly. So, I believe that; if a writer has done his work of penning, now it’s up to the readers to dig out the imagination behind his write-ups. Only reading a writer’s work is not justifiable but to understand the deep emotion behind it is more important.

Interviewer: I have recently seen you create oil paintings. How do you handle classifying and categorizing artwork?

Swarnima Sharma: Yes I love trying my hand in all artistic things. Not only Oil paintings but I do Acrylic and Resin art also. All these are unlearned art for me but I take guidance from Internet. I classify and categorize artwork by its detailing and finishing. It doesn’t matter whether an art work is classic fine art or contemporary abstract. It’s all about tiny details and how attractive it appears to me.

Interviewer: What’s the most valuable piece of art to you?

Swarnima Sharma: I am fond of weirdo artwork and every work which has done by Web Weiers is valuable for me. I am in love with his artistry. I like the weird art of Bolaji as well.

Interviewer: Please let the readers know about your projects for the future? Are you working on any book?

Swarnima Sharma: Yes I have been working on three novels for a long time. One is in Hindi (Fiction) and two is in English (both Fiction and Non fiction). It’s not the right time to share more about it. Out of three, One English fiction “The Tale of Tazkaan- A Journey from Turkey to Misr” is about to complete. The novel is a magical adventurous journey towards a hidden Treasure and Elixir. This project will take few more months. You’ll come to know more as soon as I will complete the book and it will get published.

Interviewer: What is your message to the aspirant poets?

Swarnima Sharma: I would like to say to all aspiring poets that; to make “Thinking” your profession and “Writing” a Passionate Art. Writing is a visceral. Whenever you write, write every single word with detailed emotion. Until and unless you don’t feel it, you can’t pour out and engrave it rightly and it won’t work for your readers. So pour out your 100% emotions. Feel it, Express it and Write it and never let-up learning. Always seek good books to learn from them. The best book is your own debut book. Always keep it on top of your shelve. That would work like a teacher for you. No matter how successful your debut book is. That’s the one through which you would learn a lot. It would tell about your experience, your mistakes, your next project. Your good and bad. Everything. Before getting inspired by anyone else, take inspiration from your own debut book. That has lot to teach you. Always remember, your debut book is bestest than any of your best selling book.

Interviewer: Thanks for your time! It was a pleasure talking to you. I wish you best of luck for the future!

Swarnima Sharma: Thank you so much! It’s my immense pleasure sharing my time, views and thoughts with you.

Order on Amazon: “Boozy Gait of A Prattle Pen”

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