
An Interview with Guna Moran

Biographical Info: Guna Moran is an Assamese poet and critic. His poems and literary pieces are published in national and international magazines, journals, webzines, newspapers and anthologies.

Apart from this, his poems have been translated into Croatian, Tagalog (Philippines), Burmese, Swahili(Kenya), Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish, and Indian Languages Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Urdu, Gujrati, Arabic and Bengali. A few more languages will be added to the list shortly.

Interviewer: Congratulations on the release of your book “When The Tree Weeps”,Guna Moran Ji! Tell us something about your book?

Guna Moran: Thanks a lot and I am grateful to you. A sincere effort has been made in my first published verse to express fully my pure feeling. The mystical tales of mysterious human mind, myriad thoughts is being tried to be picturised.

We feel in many differently ways as an effect of many stimulants working on us. But all such feelings are not pure. Effort is made to capture the feelings arising out of different events – good and terrible, sorrows and pains, disease and afflictions and pick out the best of the lot for publishing in the compilation. For me, pure expression of pure feelings is poetry.

Interviewer: What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult)

Guna Moran: Though I have been writing sporadically since my childhood, it has become more prolific as I have matured in age.

Interviewer: How would you like to define your journey as a poet? Be descriptive please so that our visitors know about your writing career a little more.

Guna Moran: I am just putting on an effort to compose poetry. So I do not want to claim myself as a poet. But I believe that the best ever is yet to be composed and I am doubtful if one would ever will. One can compose a comparatively good poetry. One cannot claim to have composed the best poem for all times.

Interviewer: Who are your favourite poets? And name one book that you like most among all the others you have read.

Guna Moran: I have read poetry composed by different poets. I would like to mention Mirza Ghalib, Gulzar, Nilamoni Phookan, Hiren Bhattacharjya, Sankardev, W.H. Auden, Pablo Neruda, William Butler Yeats, Elizabeth Berett Browning, John Keats as few of my favourites.

Interviewer: What other genres do you enjoy reading?

Guna Moran: Biographies, Stories and tales, and news of new scientific inventions and discoveries.

Interviewer: What is your current goal in writing career?

Guna Moran: My sole aim is to continue writing.

Interviewer: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

Guna Moran: No. It is impossible to write if one is bereft of emotions. No creation is possible without love and affection.

Interviewer: Are you writing other books as well? Let us know about the same.

Guna Moran: Not presently in book form. But I do regularly write critical literary reviews in Assamese periodicals and literary columns of popular dailies.

Interviewer: Any last thoughts for our readers?

Guna Moran: I always expect constructive criticism and advice from my readers. It is the readers that make my creation complete. I am always indebted to my readers and I try wholeheartedly to provide my best to my readers.

Order on Amazon: “When The Tree Weeps”

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