Acharaj De Bhajan by Suraj Parkash Sethi

Acharaj De Bhajan by Suraj Parkash Sethi


Art Bliss by Williamsji Maveli

Art Bliss edited by Williamsji Maveli, Rumpa Ghosh

Peacemakers edited by Bhagirath Choudhary


Pages: 190, 5×8, English
Available Types: Print, E-book
Genre: Poetry Anthology

ISBN: 9789391301453
Paperback: Rs.275 (Delivery in 10-15 working days)
Ebook: Rs.149 (click here to order, delivery within 24 Hours via mail)


Peacemakers edited by Bhagirath Choudhary, Williamsji Maveli

The Global Literary Society seeks to create a global wave of Positive Literature highlighting the humanitarian values of world peace, nonviolence, universal empathy, unconditional love and compassion, gender equality, justice, human rights while transcending all the boundaries of caste, colour, class, creed, race, region, religion and nations for building an ecosystem of World Peace, Progress and Prosperity for one and all. Humanity is suffering from rampant global negativity which is a big cause of violence, hatred and intolerance. GLS motivates every member to be a “Change Maker” for a better world to clean up the global collective consciuosness from NEGATIVITY, therefore, the GLSians must strive to write living letters of love and light and become “LITERARY ACTIVIST”. This international anthology of poems titled “Peace Makers” is such an effort to call upon the global fraternity of poets to write the “living letters” for advancing the cause and mission of Global Positive Literature Movement of Global Literary Society.

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