Better Half of Diplomacy by Lekha Sreenivasan

Better Half of Diplomacy by Lekha Sreenivasan


Letters from the Higher Self by Shubham Sharma

Letters from the Higher Self-Shubham Sharma

Everything with Capitalism is not Bad


Pages: 162, 6×9, English
Available Types: Print, E-book
Genre: Non-Fiction

ISBN: 9789391301521
Paperback: Rs.299 + Shipping (ships in 10-15 working days)
Ebook: Rs.149(click here to order, will be delivered within 24 Working Hours)


The book ‘Everything with Capitalism is not bad’ is perhaps the first of its kind ever. Usually this has been a fashion for the intellectuals to counter capitalism at all levels especially by the influence of communism. But this book argues that there are a lot of good points in capitalism such as entrepreneurship, innovation and competition all of which may produce an energetic and intelligent community if it is practiced at social levels and thus these features can open the route of horizontal capitalism throughout the world. In spite of some critical estimates, this book throws light on its positive social and cultural implications as a result of which vertical capitalism and crony capitalism will come to an end and world will prosper at large. If I am asked as to what problems am I setting out to solve I can answer that I am presenting many good points of capitalism and thus pleading that capitalism, if somewhat reorganized, can be the alternative doctrine of the day. If one asks me as to what confusions do I wish to clarify, I want to clear that capitalism is not all-out bad; it has some good points as well that can economically and culturally benefit the human society. In the question of what previously unknown or unfortunately neglected story am I planning to tell, I must argue that positive cultural implications of capitalism are perhaps the untold story here. For the question as to how can be this book different from all other denominations of this topic I must say that all other books are absolutely critical about capitalism but this book has offered a mixed perception with special emphasis on its good points. This book matters to everyone from common people to statesman.


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