Author Interview Prreyush Mamania

Author Interview Prreyush Mamania

In conversation with Prreyush Mamania

Prreyush, first and foremost, congratulations on publishing your debut book at such a young age. What inspired you to write “The Secret of The Unknown Hero”?

Prreyush Mamania: Thank you. What inspired me was my love for books and writing. I started writing them at the age of 8, but those books didn’t get published. While I was getting bored during vacation, I had an idea to write a book and fulfill my dream.

The book’s title, “The Secret of The Unknown Hero,” is quite intriguing. Could you share a bit about what this secret is without giving away too much of the plot?

Prreyush Mamania: The answer to this question lies in the title itself: “The Secret of The Unknown Hero.” Here, the biggest secret is his identity, as he remains unknown, as mentioned in the first chapter.

The protagonist of your book, the Unknown Hero, faces formidable challenges. What characteristics or qualities do you think make him a hero, and how did you develop his character?

Prreyush Mamania: The characteristics that make him a hero are that he is strong, brave, kind, and selfless. He is always ready to extend a helping hand. As I have read many books and I am a book lover, I learned much from them, so the idea of character development was clear to me.

What books or authors have most influenced your own writing? Who is the author you most admire?

Prreyush Mamania: The authors who have influenced me and whom I admire are Geronimo Stilton and J.F. Kiney, as I was a fan of the Geronimo Stilton and Wimpy Kid series.

As a young author, how do you balance schoolwork and writing? Can you share your writing routine and the challenges you’ve faced while working on this book?

Prreyush Mamania: I managed schoolwork and writing by mostly doing it on weekends and sometimes on weekdays. I am not much of a gaming fan, nor do I have a TV, so I could balance both. Some challenges were that when one set of exams ended, the next week, another set started, so I unfortunately had to put it on hold for a period. But after returning to it, I worked doubly hard to achieve my goal.

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

Prreyush Mamania: If I could spend a day with a popular author, it would be J.F. Kiney, the writer of the Wimpy Kid series and a bestselling author.

What books did you grow up reading?

Prreyush Mamania: The books I grew up reading were “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” “Panchatantra” stories, Sudha Murthy’s works, school textbooks, and many more.

Are you on social media and can your readers interact with you?

Prreyush Mamania: Yes, I am on social media (YouTube) as “The Pokemon Dude,” and my readers can interact with me on my mom’s Instagram account,

Any message for readers regarding the book?

Prreyush Mamania: Readers can relate to themselves because the Unknown Hero teaches many good qualities like bravery, loyalty, and kindness. Please do read my books and consider suggesting them to your friends and family.

Thanks for your time! It was a pleasure talking to you. I wish you best of luck for the future!

Prreyush Mamania: Thank you so much for your wishes. It was a pleasure to work with Literature’s Light, and I really want to thank Mr. Shubham Chourasia.

About the Author

Meet the young and imaginative mind behind “The Unknown Hero” – a 12-year-old boy Prreyush Mamania with a passion for storytelling. With a heart full of creativity and a love for adventure, he embarked on a journey to craft a captivating tale that would resonate with readers of all ages.
Our young author has a knack for weaving stories that transport you to enchanting realms, where courage, friendship, and determination triumph over adversity. Through his writing, he invites you to join him in exploring a world of imagination and wonder.

“The Unknown Hero” is his debut work, a testament to his talent and dedication to sharing exciting adventures with readers. Keep an eye on this budding author, for he’s just getting started on a literary adventure that promises many more tales to come.

Book: The Secret of The Unknown Hero

Amazon order link: The Secret of The Unknown Hero
Kindle Order link: The Secret of The Unknown Hero

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